Join us at Chess Together as we make a positive impact, one move at a time! ♟️🌟


Chess Together is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by Sanjay Rajjan with the mission of educating children and special needs children in the game of chess. Additionally, we actively coordinate chess tournaments for kids.

Mission Statement

At Chess Together, our mission is to create an inclusive and enriching environment where children and special needs individuals can learn and thrive through the game of chess. We believe that chess is more than just a game; it’s a powerful educational tool that fosters critical thinking, concentration, and social skills.

Our commitment:

  • Empower: We empower young minds by providing accessible chess education, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds.
  • Educate: We introduce and reinforce academic and 21st-century skills through chess, helping students develop cognitive abilities and enhance their learning experiences.
  • Nurture: We create a supportive community where every child feels valued, respected, and encouraged to grow.
  • Inspire: By teaching chess, we inspire a love for learning, strategic thinking, and camaraderie among our students.
  • Together, we’re sowing the seeds of knowledge, compassion, and resilience, ensuring that every child, regardless of their unique challenges, can find joy and growth in the world of chess.”


Chess Together is affiliated to US Chess Federation to run rated and unrated tournaments and Texas Chess Association.

US CHESS Affiliate TCA Affiliate